How to Photograph Sunset

How to Photograph Sunset

Are you searching for how to photograph sunset? This place is where you need it!

Here, we're going to reveal 7 basic tips that will make your sunset photo better in the next shooting.

Getting ready to capture a sunset photograph?

Let's start now.

how to photograph sunset

How to Take Sunset Pictures?

Below are our favorite sunset photography tips that we believe that can somehow help both beginning and experienced photographers capture beautiful sunset photos.

1. Choose the right camera

No doubt that different photography genres sometimes necessitate specific types of cameras. And taking pictures at sunset is no exception. You need a camera for landscape photography in this situation.

When choosing a camera, it's crucial to consider image resolution since you want to take every little detail. You can use a DSLR or mirrorless camera and we advise using a full-frame model instead of a crop sensor one.

Choose the right camera

2. Grab the right lens

You should preferably use a wide-angle lens while taking sunset pictures. They work wonders for landscapes photography. Additionally, the wide focal length will let you take pictures of broad sunset views.

Without a wide-angle lens, you can still take great sunset photos. However, you must set your lens to the widest focal length. In most cases, you should try to capture as much of the scenery as you can.

3. Set your camera to the manual mode

These days, cameras offer fantastic automated features. We suggest using manual mode for sunset photos, though.

As the sun descends lower in the sky, the scenario is continually shifting. You'll need to adjust and modify just as swiftly as the circumstances.

The auto-settings will deliver reliable outcomes. But sometimes they might be boring and lifeless. You must thus know which settings are the best in order to capture the greatest sunset images. Although it could take some time, once you've mastered it, you won't regret it.

Set your camera to the manual mode

4. Best camera settings for sunset

A sunset scene has very specific requirements for photographers. Check our suggested settings for sunset photography below for more ideas.

ISO and Shutter Speed

Low ISO and a long shutter speed are common settings for landscape photographers, and so are the sunset ones. A nice start is ISO 100 or 200. If your camera can go further down, just do it. Slowing down the shutter speed will be necessary to make up for it. Just keep in mind the exposure triangle when setting up the camera for sunset photos.


You will hear this advice from any landscape photographer: use a small aperture. And that's right. The optimal aperture is either f.16 or f.22.

White Balance

Set the daylight white balance default on your camera since at this time, the sun  is not brilliant outside as it is at noon. A different setup, however, won't capture the deeper hues of the golden hour.

5. Use a tripod to stabilize your camera

A tripod is an essential piece of gear for taking pictures of sunsets. Obviously, you could take some decent pictures without one. However, owning one will significantly simplify your life.

But anyway, if you are about to use small aperture, low ISO and slow shutter speed, a tripod will be a need.  

Use a tripod to stabilize your camera

6. Find the best location and time for sunset photography

Wander around to find the ideal spots where the sunset is the most beautiful. Consider the composition and the elements you wish to incorporate in your pictures. 

The best time for sunset photos is an hour or even a few minutes before sunset. At the time, the sun casts a warm, magnificent, golden glow, which is perfect for photography.

7. Use the clouds to give your sunsets more liveliness

There is a misconception that clean skies are necessary for sunsets to appear. However, this is untrue. The presence of clouds in the sky might enhance the scene.

For the last burst of color from the sun when setting, clouds make the ideal backdrop. They can add additional tones and colors. And they'll improve the illusion of depth in your photographs of the sunset.

Use the clouds to give your sunsets more liveliness

Final Thought

We hope that these tips for sunset photography  have been useful and make you feel confident when taking pictures of sunsets. No hesitation if you want to share your masterpiece with us! We treasure every work that you share.

Just have fun and enjoy your next shooting!

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